Fibromyalgia is an invisible disease that affects an estimated 5 million Americans. This health condition most commonly occurs in people between 30-50 years old. Women are affected with fibromyalgia twice as often as men.

What Is Candida and how do you live with it?
Learn about the causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of Candidiasis. Understand candida overgrowth, including a discussion on yeast infection and leaky gut syndrome.

What a ZYTO Scan can tell you about your health and body
The basic ZYTO scan is used to determine whether certain “biomarkers” are in or out of a standard range for a number of organs.

Another Success Story -LaTonia N.
LaTonia finally got tired of being sick, and sick of being tired. She was strong, business owner, and Super-Mom. But she had no energy, too much weight and a host of aches and pains. It was time to make a change, and she knew who to call and exactly what to do.

Is your collagen supplement a scam?
Collagen supplements are all the rage, but most of them are scams. Learn how to spot a good collagen supplement and get the results you're looking for!