Don’t let fibromyalgia limit you!
Empower yourself with knowledge by learning as much about fibromyalgia and how to eliminate the gnawing tightness and pain.
Your pain is real and we totally understand.
Fibromyalgia can be a pain! Sometimes you feel good. Other times, pain and fatigue completely takes over. That doesn’t mean that you have to simply put up with it. Natural therapy can do wonders for your mind, body and general well-being, and we are experts at alternative health remedies. Our fibromyalgia wellness program is a combination of nutrition and diet modification, stress management, natural supplements, and detox therapy.
Results include:
✓ Alleviated migraine or tension headaches
✓ Reduce pain and inflammation
✓ Better quality of sleep
✓ Improved nutrition, diet and general well-being
✓ Return of energy and mental clarity
✓ Feeling of cheerfulness and returning health
✓ Decreased stress and general anxiety
✓ Positive steps towards a healthy lifestyle
The journey to your health begins with just one phone call. Talk to us and see how you can regain control of your life again.
Wellness Shop
Alternative Health is an authorized retailer of M’lis. We only use the best natural supplements and skincare products on our clients, and these are now available to you on our online store. View our fibromyalgia relief collection here.

“I had a gone to several doctors and there was no relief. After I was on the Candida program for just two months, I had a visit with my primary care doctor. He was very pleased and shocked. My aches and pains are gone, I sleep better, I have more energy and I have a new relationship with food.”
— Donna D.