How to enjoy National Relaxation Day

What is it? It’s a day to sit down, recharge and give your mind and body a break. Why relax? Relaxation lowers blood pressure, builds confidence, increases blood flow and gives the heart and nervous system some much needed rest.
Don’t know how to turn your brain off and put your feet up? Here’s our top 5 Candida friendly relaxation tips.
Take a walk! Our bodies are not meant to sit for hours (or days, or weeks). When we do, our muscles tense, our back aches and we lose focus. Take a moment to take a quick walk around the office, or even better, around the block. The movement triggers the mind to refocus and gets your detoxification system going.
Treat yourself! No, you can’t have that ice cream you’ve been craving. But Greek yogurt and MRP powder, frozen for a few hours makes a great substitute.
Practice Mindfulness! We spend too much time overwhelmed with the maybes of the future or the should haves of the past. Take a few minutes to enjoy and embrace the present. Watch a pretty sunset, put together a puzzle; it doesn’t matter what you do as long as it keeps you rooted in this beautiful present moment.
Meditate! Meditation isn’t just for the yoga gurus that can turn themselves in to human pretzels. It can benefit us all! At its root, meditation is simply using different techniques to change your thought patterns. The goal is to bring your mind to a state of calm and quiet. There are hundreds of ways to meditate. Find one that works for you and reap the benefits.
Pamper Yourself! You are the most important person in your life. If you don’t take care of yourself, who is going to take care of everyone else? So with that in mind, get a massage or a facial or a Contour Body Wrap. Treat yourself like you would someone you love.