Skin Issues

Repairing Skin Issues

Repairing skin issues may bring to mind things like choosing the correct face cleanser, choosing between top rated cleansers or finding a body exfoliator. It is important that we take care of our skin and we all know to wash our skin, but what about nourishing it and keeping it healthy? It goes further than choosing a cleanser for dry skin or the correct lip exfoliator. Your skin is your largest organ as well as your first line of defense against many bacteria and germs. Understanding how best to repair and care for it should be a priority.

Skin health might also bring to mind the skin problems that some people face. These include dry or oily skin, specific skin troubles such as rosacea or eczema and acne, or just the simple fact that as we age we develop fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. What many do not realize when seeking solutions for these common skin problems is that it is important to do more than choose the correct skin care face wash. Unhealthy skin can be an indication of a disruption in other organs in your body. Determining the root cause and treating the skin troubles appropriately will lead to greater success with prevention of future problems. Book an appointment to learn more about the health of your largest organ.

Microbiome Skin Care

Your body is home to many microbiomes.  The microorganisms that inhabit these biomes are related to your health.  The skin is the largest organ in your body and has several microbiomes that help the strength of your immune system as well as fight infections.  Disrupted or out of balance microbiomes cause skin issues and problems.

Different factors such as genes, diet, lifestyle choices, environment, air pollution and exposure to UV lights can cause an imbalance in the microorganisms on your skin which can lead to premature aging as well as dry or irritated skin. Before making changes to your skin care routines you should understand what your skin needs.  You can book an appointment to learn more about the health of your largest organ and your individual skin care needs.

Learning about your skin microbiomes will guide you to regain balance and positive changes in your skin. Face cleansers, skin exfoliators and moisturizers can all be beneficial for treating skin problems once you find the correct type for your skin.  

Green Tea Facial Cleanser cleanses, soothes and moisturizes your skin.  It protects the skin from factors that lead to premature aging.  An added benefit is that this cleanser is good for all skin types- normal, dry, or oily.  This is also an acne cleanser. 

SCRUB Facial Exfoliator is another option when trying to slow down the aging process. One of its many benefits is reducing fine lines, uneven texture and irregular pigmentation. It also helps skin to be more vibrant and appear younger.

Apricot Grapeseed Exfoliator is a product that can also help slow down the appearance of aging skin.  This body exfoliator has many benefits.  It contains vitamins and antioxidants to nourish skin while at the same time removing dead skin build up and promoting regeneration of skin cells while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

You can use the Apple Stem Cell Facial Moisturizer to take care of your skin after sloughing away the dead skin cells and cleansing your skin.  This moisturizer protects, prevents and repairs aging skin.  It works to nourish and strengthen the health of  your skin while improving the appearance.

One simple face wash for oily skin is WASH Herbal Cleanser. Pores can become larger and more apparent with oily skin and this cleanser for oily skin will tighten and cleanse your skin without overdrying.

Hydrate Hydrating Drops with Hydraulic Acid is one option of a topical application that will help with different skin types.  In addition to keeping your skin hydrated and plump, it assists the skin in deeper penetration of other topical applications making other treatments more effective.

Nourish Nutrient Oil can help to hydrate extremely dry skin, such as that on the elbows, knees and heels.

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Gut Health and Skin

Microbiomes exist on your skin and in the other organs in your body.  Your skin and your gut have a bidirectional relationship, changes in your gut health are often reflected in the health of your skin- both positive and negative.  An imbalance in the microbiome of your gut can lead to several skin issues such as rosacea, acne, eczema and psoriasis.  These disruptions can be caused by autoimmune problems, diet, infection or bacterial overgrowth.  Discovering the reason for the imbalance is the key to finding the correct treatment and seeing results.

    It can be difficult to determine the root cause of any skin issues related to gut health. Booking an appointment will give you the opportunity to work with a professional who can help you determine how to improve your health..

An imbalance in bacteria can be corrected by a Probiotic Supplement which can also feed your body and nourish you.  When your body is healthy on the inside the appearance and overall health of your skin will reflect this. 

Vitamin D Supplements are a wise choice. Since dry and cracked skin can be more vulnerable to bacteria and germs, adding Vitamin D is important as it can strengthen your body to fight infections while boosting your immune system.  

Another option for improving your skin is  Evening Primrose Oil.  The Omega 6 in this supplement is used by the body and converted to a prostaglandin which has positive effects on several of your organs including your skin.

As with other issues, treating your whole body is necessary for the healthiest skin. Adding Enzyme Digestive Supplements to your daily routine can help.  Among its benefits is helping your body to improve absorption of nutrients which can directly affect the health and appearance of your skin.  

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Liver and Skin Issues

Your liver is responsible for efficiently breaking down the toxins in your body.  When this is not occurring there is a build up of toxins and this can lead to skin problems.  Some skin problems related to toxin buildup are eczema, premature again, acne and acne rosacea.  Booking an appointment is a first step to learning more and taking control of the health of your skin.

If you have a build up of toxins then a Detox Kit is one option.  With a detox you can begin to remove toxins from your body and cleanse it.  A buildup of toxins can lead to unhealthy skin.  By removing the buildup you can begin to reverse skin disorders.

If you have any worries about your skin, a positive first step is to book an appointment to learn what changes you can make.

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