Allergies plague many people and the number of people affected by them is continuing to rise. These allergies include things like food, dust, pollen, animals and other environmental factors. If you have not read about the increase in diagnosed allergies, you have probably seen multiple ads for medication for allergies on the tv or read about them in a magazine. Or if you are reading a label on a food item, you may have seen a warning for allergens that may be contained inside, one common notification is for gluten allergies. More and more people are becoming plagued by these allergies and are seeking relief from their unpleasant symptoms.
Are you suffering from seasonal allergies?
While some suffer from seasonal allergies, others suffer year round from environmental or dietary allergies. These range from mild or moderate to severe or life threatening. There are many symptoms related to allergies. Among them, allergies may cause the person to feel tired, or break out in hives. Some people suffer from itchy skin from allergies, in addition to sneezing, coughing and runny noses that plague many. Often the affected attempt to plan their life in a way to avoid as many of their allergens as possible- this can include cutting certain foods from the diet, avoiding certain animals or even installing air purifying devices. At the same time they are taking prescribed medicine to lessen the symptoms. And even with that, many still suffer on a daily basis from allergies.
For someone who suffers from allergies, this can be frustrating and disheartening and cause them to search for information on what they can do aside from prescription medication. If you are wondering if there is anything else you can do, then you have come to the right place. If you would like to learn more about options available to you, you can book an appointment to discuss your possibilities.
Allergies Can Make You Tired
Everyone has an immune system and the goal of the immune system is to keep the body healthy. To do this the immune system fights off invaders, such as germs and viruses. But what happens when the immune system overreacts, when it attacks things that it perceives as dangerous invaders, but which are in fact harmless to the body? These are things like peanuts, milk, pollen, dust or even cat dander. That is when we have allergies and histamines are released into the bloodstream which leads to the allergic reaction symptoms. These symptoms can include headache, fast, pulse, asthma attack, or anxiety and agitation. This is the same with any type of allergy- seasonal or other environmental as well as food allergies.
All of this leads to avoidance of the allergen if possible, or medicating for symptoms, and sometimes a combination effort is needed to address the problem. Unfortunately, many medications that are designed to help treat allergies also come along with side effects that can be unpleasant. However you look at it, allergies are a burden.
If you are suffering from allergies, and want to know your options, book an appointment to learn about possible treatment options. You can also learn more about the Zyto Scan which can give you information about how to improve your lifestyle and become healthier.
Itchy Skin From Allergies
So you’ve worked to avoid allergens when and where possible, and you’ve possibly added medications from your doctor to treat the more severe symptoms or unavoidable allergies. Maybe you've looked into and tried other natural remedies that you have read about like a bee pollen supplement or a natural histamine for hives. And you are still suffering. Your symptoms may include itchy skin from allergies, allergies in your eyes, or you have realized that your allergies can make you tired. And you want to experience more relief. One step is to book a Zyto Scan to learn more about the needs of your body. This information can help you begin leading a healthier lifestyle.
It is always beneficial to strengthen your body and your immune system as well as treat symptoms of allergies. Several of the supplements offered in the Wellness Shop could be beneficial for problems you are currently dealing with. Here are a few to consider:
Vital Antioxidant Supplement - while this supplement does not target allergies or symptoms directly, it does help to maintain your health and prevent disease. When your body is constantly fighting allergens you can be more susceptible to diseases, and this supplement improves your odds of preventing that from occurring.
Daily Essential On-the-Go Nutrient Packs - Dietary allergies can make selecting a well rounded diet more difficult. At times this can leave you lacking in certain vitamins. These nutrient packs will help remedy that problem by addressing improper nutrition or the body’s inability to absorb the proper nutrients from your diet. These help you to maintain optimal health. And it also helps to promote healthy hair, skin and nails.
Detox kit - Detoxing is ridding your body of toxins that have built up. A buildup of toxins can lead to many problems and a detoxing can help alleviate symptoms related to asthma and allergies, among other ailments including skin issues (remember that itchy skin can be caused by allergies too).
Enzyme Digestive Supplement - The enzyme digestive supplement will help ease digestion and improve your skin. Food sensitivities and allergies can cause issues with the digestive system as well be responsible for skin problems. This enzyme can assist your body in breaking down nutrients in meals and help cut down on issues such as bloating and gas.
Probiotic Supplement - A probiotic will not cure allergies. But right now we do not know all the ramifications of a depletion in the beneficial bacteria in our bodies. We have learned, and are still learning, that these microbes play a powerful role in our overall health and immunity. Taking a probiotic is a positive step to balancing your overall wellness and strengthening your immunity.
Visit Our Wellness Shop!
These are just a few examples of items in the Wellness Shop that can aid you in dealing with symptoms related to your allergies. Use these, and other steps, to start experiencing some relief from the allergy symptoms you are experiencing. If you are not sure if they are right for you, or want to explore other possibilities of supplements please book an appointment to learn more.